Jenn and Ryan's wedding was in Providence, RI at the Aldrich Mansion. The wedding was beautiful, and the reception was an amazing party! Thanks Jenn and Ryan, we had a great time!
Here is Sammy on his first plane ride.
Here he is again having fun on the plane.
Sam's first subway ride.
Plymouth Rock was, well, a bit disappointing.
Here we all are laughing at how ridiculous Plymouth Rock was. Sammy obviously agrees.
Sam's first time at the beach. It was pretty, but way too cold to let him play in the sand. I guess that means we'll have to go to a warm beach sometime soon!
We saw all the incredible mansions in Newport, RI.
And the International Tennis Hall of Fame. That's a grass court in the background. It's the first time I've ever seen one. I don't get how the ball bounces?
Sam enjoying the Boston Commons.
Definitely picture worthy! A bar in Salem.
My dad's self portrait on the cliff walk in Newport.
My mom as a witch in Salem.
Overall we had a blast on the trip. Flying and sleeping in a hotel with a 4 month old was a bit challenging, and we were exhausted and happy to be home to our own bed, but it's good to know that we can handle it, and we're determined to keep traveling as our family grows!