About Us

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Mike and I have been married for 10 years now, and luckily we still like each other! We've been together for over 15 years and we've spent it traveling, backpacking, climbing, skiing, triathloning, marathoning, sailing, eating, and going on as many adventures as possible. We now have two beautiful boys, Sam & Charlie, and we couldn't be more excited about seeing a whole new world through their eyes in the years to come!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blommer Summer

4th of July:

Annual Blommer Family 4th of July Backpacking Trip:

This year we didn't do a very good job of advertising the trip because we had a newborn, and you know how that goes. Charlie and I stayed home while Mike took Sam. They ended up car camping because there was too much snow on the trail to hike it. It turns out who needs a hike when you can have a backpacking danceparty (yes danceparty is a word).

Mike and Jeff Pfieferhorn Climb:

I love that no matter how old guys get or no matter how serious the activity they always act like they are in Jr. high. The best here is that Jeff just said "hey dude, take a picture of me falling on my face." Awesome.

Road Trip to San Francisco to see Grandma Judy:

This was brave, but we pulled it off. We split the 12 hour drive into two days each way, which made it doable. Sam had a blast and wanted to talk about the power lines the entire way (turns out there are A LOT of power lines on the way). For those of you who know Mike this won't be a surprise, but it turns out he knows quite a bit about power lines. I feel like I came home from this trip with an in depth knowledge of how they work, so that's awesome. I also came home feeling like I needed a vacation!

Mike & Jeff - Mt. Moran, Tetons:

Shera - 2 things for you: 1. I officially have more pics of your husband than my own husband, and 2. I bet you're glad this mustache is permanently documented on the internet for all to see.

Blommer Family Photos at Alta:

Idaho 5k:

Mike's aunt Camille has almost completed the most amazing goal. 50 5k's in 50 states before she turns 50! This idaho race was #49!! She turns 50 at the end of Setpember, and she'll run her last race in Minnesota next weekend. You are AWESOME Camille!!! Check out her blog via the link on the right hand side of this page.

This was race was a blast! The best part was watching Sam run the kids race. It was his first one, and he LOVED it. He was so proud when they gave him a medal at the end, and I'm pretty sure his favorite part was the ice cream bar after the finish.

Sam & Charlie: