I've decided to start a new series on my blog entitled "Why My Husband is Cooler Than Your Husband" because I happen to be married to one of the most "interesting" men I've ever met (by interesting I mean weird....but,...well,... in a good way). There will be an unknown number of installments in this series, and it may or may not be updated regularly, but you can believe me when I say it will DEFINITELY be worth tuning in to. You can also believe me when I say this is not your run of the mill, tag-you're it, lovey dovey, 10 things I love about my husband, kind of series. It's WAY cooler than that.
I have to give a bit of a precursor to the series before I introduce Installment #1. Mike is really into photography, and he's into lighting and flash and getting it right to make a spectacular picture. He has an entire lighting set up with remote flashes and shiny reflectors and light umbrellas (I'm sure those all have technical terms, but who really cares, right?!). In order to perfect his art he practices quite often. At this point you might think to yourself "hmmm I wonder how he practices without models?" Well, it's easy, he shoots pictures of himself in our basement using either his remote control or the camera timer. Now you're probably picturing a nice studio type picture with a blue velvet background, right? No. Wrong. He shoots some pretty funny/weird/creepy/borderline serial killerish shots. Some of these you'll see, and some you won't. I've given him full, editorial control of this series, so we'll see what he lets through to the general public. Most installments will be based on one or more of these "Self Portraits."
Installment #1 is coming soon...
1 week ago
Can't wait. I love Mike!
Oh, I can only imagine...
This is gonna be fun!
Dood, Mike, you are my hero...can't wait.
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