About Us

My photo
Mike and I have been married for 10 years now, and luckily we still like each other! We've been together for over 15 years and we've spent it traveling, backpacking, climbing, skiing, triathloning, marathoning, sailing, eating, and going on as many adventures as possible. We now have two beautiful boys, Sam & Charlie, and we couldn't be more excited about seeing a whole new world through their eyes in the years to come!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

CHS Class of 2000 10 Year Reunion - Tickets on Sale Now!

Our 10 year reunion is set for June 5th at Noah's reception center in South Jordan.

Buy tickets early (before May 22nd) and save $10.

Early Ticket Price = $50 per pair (two tickets), $28 per individual ticket

Click here to buy tickets:

Make sure to save your confirmation number as you'll use it to get in.

We have an open air space on the top floor of Noah's, which is BEAUTIFUL!!! Click here to see pics of Noah's:


Please help spread the word by copying and pasting this post to your blog!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mustache March

Typically, March is one of my favorite months. I have a lot to look forward to in March. Our wedding anniversary, my birthday, great spring skiing in the mountains, and the first signs of spring and warmer weather in the valley.

Not this year! This year I'm counting down the days until March is over.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Marathon Training Set Back

As I've been recently reminded (thanks Camille!), I'm long overdue for a marathon training update, and the timing of the reminder couldn't have been more spot on because this weekend was a particularly dramatic training weekend.

I was scheduled to run 16 miles on Saturday, which I was both dreading and looking forward to because I've never run that far at once in my entire life. I started the run feeling okay, but around mile 3 my right foot started to bother me. I kept running because at least two or three parts of my too-large-to-be-running-so-far body hurt off and on throughout my runs. However, this one didn't go away like they usually do. It gradually got worse and worse, until around mile 8 when I had to start walking, which still hurt, so I had to make the big decision to abort my run (never done before, and a bit embarrassing actually). I wasn't sure if I really was injured, or if I was just being a wuss, but I didn't want to push it, so I called Mike and he packed Sam into the car to come pick me up.

Then we packed our stuff, dropped Sam off with the grandparents (first time overnight away from us, and he did great!) and headed off to our anniversary weekend in Park City (go us, 7 years!).

Long story short, we weren't able to ski because my foot got worse, so when we got home yesterday I went to the doctor fearing the worst (stress fracture), but came home with pretty good news. He thinks it's inflammation around a tendon and it can be treated with a week of rest and tons of ibuprofen. 24 hours and 1600mg's later, it's actually feeling much better. The challenge is that I need to work my mileage back up gradually, and with 6 weeks left that will be tough, so this will be a SLOW marathon (lets be honest, it would have been anyway), so I'll have to kiss my 4:30 time goal goodbye, and really just shoot for finishing, which technically was the goal in the first place.

That's the update! Wish me luck.

Oh, also, my crazy husband got into the Wasatch 100, which is a 100 mile run (not a relay)through the mountains from Kaysville to Midway. It's in September, so more to come about that!